Before we can think about sustainable farming (or gardening), we find ourselves thinking about who we are in relation to the world.

Earth Care Poems and Stories | Climate Poems and Stories | The Best in Earth and Climate Care Ideas
By L.L. Barkat Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Agriculture, Climate, Creative Writing Exercises, Design, Earth Care, Food, Hospitality, Kindness, Love for Others, Personal Change, Poems, Poetry on the Menu, Poetry Prompt, Vegetarian Life
Before we can think about sustainable farming (or gardening), we find ourselves thinking about who we are in relation to the world.
By L.L. Barkat Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Brain Tricks, Childhood Memories, Creative Writing Exercises, Earth Care, Food, Hospitality, Love for Others, Personal Change, Poems, Poetry on the Menu, Poetry Prompt, Self Care, Vegetarian Life
Making food lifestyle adjustments depends on buy-in from you and your loved-ones. Attention to comfort foods is key.
By L.L. Barkat Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Agriculture, Articles, Childhood Memories, Climate, Creative Writing Exercises, Earth Care, Food, Gardens, Love for Others, Personal Change, Plants, Poems, Poetry on the Menu, Poetry Prompt, Vegetarian Life
From cherry pie to pigeon peas, berry bushes to fruit trees, there’s something for everyone where perennial staple foods are concerned. Plant yours in a memory poem!
By Sara Barkat Filed Under: Abundance, Articles, Book Reviews, Books, Childhood Memories, Ecopoetics, Education, Gratitude, Home, Hope, Hospitality, In Our Lives, Kindness, Love for Others, Peace, Photos by Sara Barkat, Picture Books, Plants, Self Care, Simple Ideas, Wisdom
Frog and Toad Are Friends is a book with something to teach all ages — in its stories, in its art, and even in its ability to make a little space for peace.
By L.L. Barkat Filed Under: A Legacy to Be Proud Of, Agriculture, Articles, Beauty, Farmers Market, Food, Hospitality, In Our Lives, Love for Others, Ossining, Secret Places, Self Care
What has film trailer editing got to do with the story of a farm? More than you might guess. Especially if you are Tom Deacon of Fable Foods.
By L.L. Barkat Filed Under: Agriculture, Articles, Beauty, Food, In Our Lives, Love for Others, Self Care, Wild Edibles
Two violet afternoons become a surprisingly sweet moment in cooking (and eating). It all started when a daughter went out into the day.
By • Filed Under: Climate, Hope, Love for Others, Poems, Self Care, Wisdom
“We owe it to each other to share what white tail already know” says this poem that can give us a “together” way forward in the climate breakdown challenge.
By Laura Lynn Brown Filed Under: Articles, In Our Lives, Love for Others, Trees
When “the three sisters” disappeared outside a Pittsburgh window, it was the end of an era in more ways than one. Who could have known how much it would mirror a niece’s sorrow and love.
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Creative Writing Exercises, Design, Love for Others, Poetry Prompt, Self Care, Technology
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Turning Earth care, as it turns out, is really about self-care and other-care. What we design today impacts how we live tomorrow. For better or for worse, it even impacts far into upcoming generations. In “Turning,” a shortcut today becomes an injury tomorrow. Says the poet, “I’m […]
By • Filed Under: Love for Others, Love Poem, Poems
from Romeo and Juliet, Scene III, Act II Come, night, come, Romeo, come, thou day in night; For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night Whiter than new snow on a raven’s back. Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-brow’d night, Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, Take him and cut him […]
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Creative Writing Exercises, Earth as Metaphor, Love for Others, Nature Prompt, Night, Poetry Prompt
Today’s writing prompt is based on a poetic section of Romeo and Juliet, Come night As humans, though we can sometimes feel separate from our environment, we are, ultimately, a part of it. As some say, we are made of the stuff of stars. Others note that we are water or dust. You could say […]
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Creative Writing Exercises, Earth as Metaphor, Love for Others, Nature Prompt, Poetry Prompt
Today’s writing prompt is based on an excerpt from the poem “Trouble in Paradise” As humans, many of us are deeply touched by visuals and events in the natural world, whether in times of sorrow or joy. Write a poem in which you point to some kind of loss—of something or someone important to you. […]
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