It’s becoming trendy to burn calories and make ourselves and our world more beautiful in the process. All it takes is adding a…
We Need a New Climate Approach—The “Uceful Model” Is Raising Its Hand
Classic climate action messaging has relied on alarm, guilt, accusation, shaming. It rarely works. We propose a highly-successful approach we’ve used in a different arena: the UCEFUL model.
What Can We Do Today?—Plant a Tree Without Lifting a Shovel
We don’t need to change a thing, except our search engine, to start winning the climate game by just doing what we do every day anyway.
Climate breakdown has implications at every level of life. This poem chronicles the effects on polar bears, through the lens of one sorrowful discovery.
As the Deer
“We owe it to each other to share what white tail already know” says this poem that can give us a “together” way forward in the climate breakdown challenge.
Day 29: Running With
Now that we know what we know about climate breakdown, can we learn something from the deer? Try answering with a poem!
Contingency Plans
A poem that considers our place in figuring things out with climate breakdown—and potentially solving the problem…”If we might figure out why the water waits…”
Day 28: Whose Care
Write two short poems about some aspect of earth care—the first part where you are responsible for nothing and the second part where you are responsible for everything. Then…
Eve’s Second Garden
Eve’s Second Garden Filled with succulents and spines that scratch her legs and break off inside, so Adam has to pinch her skin, then suck and bite the sliver, his teeth the only tweezers yet invented. Nothing requires much water. Five months drought each winter turns prickly pears brilliant purple before they die. Yucca shade […]
Drought on the Open Road
Drought on the Open Road Once the herd was so thirsty they ate the burn right off the interstate shoulder, two bites from asphalt and cars flying 75 miles to nowhere. Heat paralyzed cows never look up. —Marcus Goodyear, from Barbies at Communion T. S. Poetry Press, 2010
Day 10: Look Up
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Drought on the Open Road Write a poem about ordinary needs that sometimes lead us to do or consume what is not natural or good for either us or our natural surroundings. Why don’t people “look up”? In other words, why do they almost blindly do things […]
Day 2: A ____ Dawn of Time
In today’s poem, the poet measures time by the age of her eldest daughter, saying that the Arctic summer ice will be gone, causing the sea to rise significantly, “in a daughter’s dawn of time.”