Attention Restoration Theory (ART) is that being in nature, and viewing green spaces, allows the brain to unwind, to notice without noticing. Enjoy this meditative nature video, a small experience of nature that can brighten your spirits, even in town.
Rainy Afternoon — A Meditative Nature Video
Enjoy this meditative nature video, a small experience that can brighten your spirits, even on a rainy day.
Day 15: Oh, Comfort Food
Making food lifestyle adjustments depends on buy-in from you and your loved-ones. Attention to comfort foods is key.
We Need a New Climate Approach—The “Uceful Model” Is Raising Its Hand
Classic climate action messaging has relied on alarm, guilt, accusation, shaming. It rarely works. We propose a highly-successful approach we’ve used in a different arena: the UCEFUL model.
Drought on the Open Road
Drought on the Open Road Once the herd was so thirsty they ate the burn right off the interstate shoulder, two bites from asphalt and cars flying 75 miles to nowhere. Heat paralyzed cows never look up. —Marcus Goodyear, from Barbies at Communion T. S. Poetry Press, 2010
Day 10: Look Up
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Drought on the Open Road Write a poem about ordinary needs that sometimes lead us to do or consume what is not natural or good for either us or our natural surroundings. Why don’t people “look up”? In other words, why do they almost blindly do things […]