Did you know that one of the top ways to curb climate breakdown is by eating a plant-rich diet? Poetry on the Menu is a 30-day writing challenge that will introduce you to the glories of eating plantfully—with health, good humor, and good taste as your close companions.
An ethereal poem about the connectedness of past and present, as “Ghosts [thread] space between animals” and “float between silence and static.”
“What holds up the sky holds each one of us, too—” says the poem “Indwelling,” by Scott Edward Anderson. Then we go on to impact the sky, “causing little inversions.”
art gallery + poem: hemlocks at 4 o’ clock
Visit the Poetic Earth Month “art gallery” and see the hemlocks dancing behind a veil.
A poem about searching for sea glass and celebrating a love that lasts.
Neruda’s Memoirs
“Neruda said the closest thing to poetry is a loaf of bread or a ceramic dish or a piece of wood lovingly carved…” Enjoy this poem that will teach you about Neruda and inspire you to try on his style.
Climate breakdown has implications at every level of life. This poem chronicles the effects on polar bears, through the lens of one sorrowful discovery.
As the Deer
“We owe it to each other to share what white tail already know” says this poem that can give us a “together” way forward in the climate breakdown challenge.
Contingency Plans
A poem that considers our place in figuring things out with climate breakdown—and potentially solving the problem…”If we might figure out why the water waits…”
Under Heaven
Eating a pomegranate before its time reminds us, as this poem says, that “appetite has a season.”
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
The Lake Isle of Innisfree I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping […]
A surprising poem about sustainable practice, as experienced small-scale in the home garden.