Before we can think about sustainable farming (or gardening), we find ourselves thinking about who we are in relation to the world.
Day 15: Oh, Comfort Food
Making food lifestyle adjustments depends on buy-in from you and your loved-ones. Attention to comfort foods is key.
Day 14: Blueberries for Sal
Why pick blueberries (or any other fruits or vegetables) together? The answers will surprise you.
Day 13: The Mango Delivery
What has a mango delivery got to do with curbing food waste? Everything, if you talk about timing.
Day 12: Sell-By
What’s the secret of a food’s sell-by date? It might not be what you think. (Plus, there are creative things you can do with “old” food.)
Day 11: 30-Day Meal Plan
Shopping with a plan saves money and curbs food waste. And developing a 30-Day Meal plan can be the first step to creating your weekly shopping plan.
Day 10: Get Brainy
Feed your brain today for a brighter mental future tomorrow. (Or even just this afternoon.)
Day 9: Clean Cookstoves
Cooking our food has its complications. What to do? Explore the glories of eating raw, and learn about how you can help women and girls around the world preserve their health while at the stove.
Day 8: Home Economics
One aspect of being a household is doing things at home, for ourselves, instead of relying so heavily on others to do things for us. It could be just the thing, for our own health and the health of the planet!
Day 7: Remembering Grandmother
From cherry pie to pigeon peas, berry bushes to fruit trees, there’s something for everyone where perennial staple foods are concerned. Plant yours in a memory poem!
What Can We Do Today: Make Homemade Vegetable Broth
Stuck at home? Reduce food waste and make the most of your vegetable scraps by cooking homemade vegetable broth to add to soups, stews, or casseroles. You can even make rice with vegetable stock instead of water!
Day 6: Eating From Your Yard
There’s an abundance of beautiful, free, nutritious food, just outside the door. Step out and see?