Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Resort One philosophical standpoint about our environment is that we are simply part of it, and all that we build is basically like the things that all other species build; they are constructed according to our species’ knowledge, our latest technologies and stylistic preferences, and our needs […]
Day 14: Guardian Technology
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Eve’s Second Garden In today’s poem, we see a couple using simple technology (teeth, a sotol stalk) to save and protect themselves from variables in their environment that are, rightly so, frightening. Write a poem about something in our environment that frightens people (or frightens you). Include […]
Eve’s Second Garden
Eve’s Second Garden Filled with succulents and spines that scratch her legs and break off inside, so Adam has to pinch her skin, then suck and bite the sliver, his teeth the only tweezers yet invented. Nothing requires much water. Five months drought each winter turns prickly pears brilliant purple before they die. Yucca shade […]
Father’s Day
The tree house he built, the smell of a grass fire’s smoke and vanilla, and camping. It’s Father’s Day in this poem about memories.
Day 7: Distances & Magnitude
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem North on the Illahee Ferry Images of both distance and closeness, smallness and vastness, exist in today’s poem. Every life is sustained by both. Write a poem about an experience that is very close or small, the way the ferry, the pocket, and the orange are to […]
North on the Illahee Ferry
North on the Illahee Ferry So there you are, where you wanted to be. I can imagine the Seattle city pier falling away behind you. Herring gulls wheel along their wires, reflections shattering in the ferry wake. You lean out over the swell, caught by blue distance, and when the cold finds its way onto […]