From dreams of Belize to birding on Long Island beaches, from Costa Rica to Sweetbriar Nature Center, Tiffani Rushford inspires!
Read “Morning” ecopoem by L.L. Barkat: I have tabbed the page / of H.D.’s ‘Oread,’ / with its plea—”whirl up” / —to the sea. (…)
Forests of the Sea (A Stop-Motion Ocean Story)
Scientists: Jorge Ramos; Felipe Briceño Jacques | Artist: Malou Zuidema “The Lynchpin program explores ways to introduce ocean science to the community through the arts. It works in solidarity with reputable science, engages public attention in quirky new ways, and creates narratives that draw people in and prompt them to explore further.” want more videos?
Break Down } 7 songs about climate [2] all the good girls go to hell
Have a listen to these 7 pop and soft rock songs about climate, from artists like Billie Eilish, Marvin Gaye, Depeche Mode, Lana Del Rey & more.
It’s Already Too Late—A Short Story
House on a hill. River down below. And the rains speckling the grass, dots of cold, salt-ocean.
Dancing in the Arctic
Jody Sperling danced in the Arctic while accompanying a scientific mission studying the effects of melting ice, then choreographed a dance based on her experience.
A poem about searching for sea glass and celebrating a love that lasts.
Climate breakdown has implications at every level of life. This poem chronicles the effects on polar bears, through the lens of one sorrowful discovery.
At the end of the Sound…
At the end of the Sound, where the pines have been pushed back by an unrelenting salt wind, you will find that jingle-shell beach— where little cups of pearly lemon peach stretch out endlessly. Put your hands to them and you will not know where to stop. […]
Do the shells
“Do the shells still hear the sea…” asks this poem about loss, memory, and being.
Day 7: Distances & Magnitude
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem North on the Illahee Ferry Images of both distance and closeness, smallness and vastness, exist in today’s poem. Every life is sustained by both. Write a poem about an experience that is very close or small, the way the ferry, the pocket, and the orange are to […]
North on the Illahee Ferry
North on the Illahee Ferry So there you are, where you wanted to be. I can imagine the Seattle city pier falling away behind you. Herring gulls wheel along their wires, reflections shattering in the ferry wake. You lean out over the swell, caught by blue distance, and when the cold finds its way onto […]