In “Noticing” a short story by Sara Barkat, two travelers and sewists at the end of the world remember extinct birds and fairy tales.

Earth Care Poems and Stories | Climate Poems and Stories | The Best in Earth and Climate Care Ideas
By Sara Barkat Filed Under: Abandoned, Articles, Birds, Cities, Climate, Earth as Metaphor, Ecological Grief, Ecopoetics, Fairy Tales, Gratitude, Hope, Nature Stories, Philosophy, Short Stories, The Shivering Ground, Transcendence
In “Noticing” a short story by Sara Barkat, two travelers and sewists at the end of the world remember extinct birds and fairy tales.
By Sara Barkat Filed Under: Articles, Awe, Climate, Earth as Metaphor, Earth Care, Ecological Grief, Ecopoetics, Philosophy, Short Stories, The Shivering Ground
The Frankenstein question of life—which this story handles in an intriguing new way—persists today, as much as it ever did. Hidden within the answers are philosophies that impact how we interact with earth, its climate, and its creatures.
By L.L. Barkat Filed Under: Art Gallery, Articles, Beauty, Earth as Metaphor, Hope, Photography, Sculpture, Stone, Transcendence
Visit the Poetic Earth Month art gallery and see the hope of stone on a winter afternoon, from the hand of landscape artist Andy Goldsworthy.
By • Filed Under: Beauty, Earth as Metaphor, Love Poem, New Jersey, Poems, Sea
A poem about searching for sea glass and celebrating a love that lasts.
By Sonia Barkat Filed Under: Articles, Beauty, Childhood Memories, Earth as Metaphor, In Our Lives, Secret Places, Trees, Wonder, Woods, Young Voices
Eight children discover—and build—a world in the woods. It’s a world of imagination. It’s a world they don’t want to leave. One of those children, now grown, remembers what happened, in this short, original film.
By • Filed Under: Agriculture, Beauty, Earth as Metaphor, Food, Fruits, Poems, Seasons, Self Care
Eating a pomegranate before its time reminds us, as this poem says, that “appetite has a season.”
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Creative Writing Exercises, Earth as Metaphor, Love for Others, Nature Prompt, Night, Poetry Prompt
Today’s writing prompt is based on a poetic section of Romeo and Juliet, Come night As humans, though we can sometimes feel separate from our environment, we are, ultimately, a part of it. As some say, we are made of the stuff of stars. Others note that we are water or dust. You could say […]
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Creative Writing Exercises, Earth as Metaphor, Love for Others, Nature Prompt, Poetry Prompt
Today’s writing prompt is based on an excerpt from the poem “Trouble in Paradise” As humans, many of us are deeply touched by visuals and events in the natural world, whether in times of sorrow or joy. Write a poem in which you point to some kind of loss—of something or someone important to you. […]
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Design, Earth as Metaphor, Love for Others, Poems, Sun, Technology
Immolation As the horizon looms, flips over to present an endless span of waves, I give up, surrender. My fate’s the fate of falling. I guess I hoped for recognition, that when I pushed my arms into the hostile sun he would look up and see my face, the frame of limb so like his […]
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Creative Writing Exercises, Earth as Metaphor, Hope, Nature Prompt, Poetry Prompt
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Do the shells Today’s poem considers the deep-downness of things. What is retained within something, even when it is removed from its ordinary setting or becomes broken? Write a poem that explores some kind of deep-downness, whether it be in stardust or melting icebergs or even some […]
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Earth as Metaphor, Hope, Poems, Sea
“Do the shells still hear the sea…” asks this poem about loss, memory, and being.
By • Filed Under: 30 Days 30 Poems Challenge, Earth as Metaphor, Love for Others, Poems
Papa is the sky
Mama is the air…
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