Here at Poetic Earth Month, we seek to stir wonder in the heart, to inspire earth care. See if this “Sirens” video doesn’t stir wonder in you.
Day 8: I Pretend
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Today by the Creek I Pretend I’m the Dalai Lama Think of the kindest public or religious figure you know, either in present times or history. Consider their aspect: how they dress (dressed), their looks, their way of walking or other gestures. Pretend you are this person, […]
Today by the Creek I Pretend I’m the Dalai Lama
Today by the Creek I Pretend I’m the Dalai Lama Today by the creek I pretend I’m the Dalai Lama. I don’t know enough to get it wrong. The robes saffron, golden. The smile, serene. The walk feline, Persian, with a hint of bobcat. My breath comes from the belly, sanctifies plants that sway on […]
Day 7: Distances & Magnitude
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem North on the Illahee Ferry Images of both distance and closeness, smallness and vastness, exist in today’s poem. Every life is sustained by both. Write a poem about an experience that is very close or small, the way the ferry, the pocket, and the orange are to […]
North on the Illahee Ferry
North on the Illahee Ferry So there you are, where you wanted to be. I can imagine the Seattle city pier falling away behind you. Herring gulls wheel along their wires, reflections shattering in the ferry wake. You lean out over the swell, caught by blue distance, and when the cold finds its way onto […]
Day 5: Prayer for or Ode to Food
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Prayer for the Pompadour Looking Up From My Plate Write a prayer for or an ode to a food item you are about to eat or already ate today. Will you (or did you) eat the whole item? Why or why not? If you aren’t going to […]
Prayer for the Pompadour Looking up from My Plate
Prayer for the Pompadour Looking up from My Plate God, I feel bad. He died for me and I could only eat half of him. —Marcus Goodyear, from Barbies at Communion T. S. Poetry Press, 2010 Want the whole 30 poems, 30 prompts series in one convenient place? You can get that in Earth […]
Day 3: Just when I thought the day
Ready for a little creative writing exercise? Try out this gratitude poetry prompt, based on the poem “The earth’s economy.”