In “Immolation” there’s a delicate balance between constructed technology and natural forces. Each takes turns challenging the other, though it is Icarus who eventually suffers loss.
Complex issues of the hope for recognition and adulation, the desire for identity affirmation and love, enter the picture. “Immolation” seems to suggest that technology development and technology use may not be as straightforward as we think it is, may not always be a question of just our interaction with natural forces.
Write a poem about some kind of technology that attempts to either harness or challenge natural forces, the way Icarus and Daedalus tried to defy gravity, harness the power of wings, and challenge the “hostile sun.”
Consider: is the use of your chosen technology a straightforward matter? Or are there deeper issues related to self and others that come into play?
You might like to try the pantoum form, which lends itself to tackling themes that contain layers of intention and meaning.
If you like, begin your poem with the words “I understand” or “I guess I hoped for.”
Want the whole 30 poems, 30 prompts series in one convenient place?
You can get that in Earth to Poetry: A 30-Days, 30-Poems Earth, Self and Other Care Challenge.