Today’s poem explores natural beauty and raises the twin issues of abundance and an unstoppable response to it.
Write a poem about some aspect of our natural, constructed, or processed surroundings that is so beautiful you never want to stop experiencing it. You can focus in on a single item if you like—a fir tree, a specific flower, a pier, a special building, tea, chocolate, silk, books, etc.
Describe the beauty in a way that features sounds you can almost feel in your mouth. Today’s poem uses j, s, ch, p, sh, and ing sounds that combine to create a sense of forward motion and a desire, if one could, to have it all (“you will not know where to stop”).
Want the whole 30 poems, 30 prompts series in one convenient place?
You can get that in Earth to Poetry: A 30-Days, 30-Poems Earth, Self and Other Care Challenge.