When I started thinking about eco products, I realized pretty quickly that most of them are unnecessary, and would be much better replaced with something not necessarily “eco” but used. If something is already in existence, you don’t have to add more waste and manufacturing, etc. Of course, with some things you really can’t buy used. Like… floss.
I just started thinking about how much plastic is wasted not only in the floss but in the floss containers. So I thought, why not buy an “eco” floss and see what all the fuss is about.
As I looked for eco flosses I noticed two trends… one was made of corn silk which seemed cool, but supposedly it tends to fall apart a bit even as you use it. I wasn’t sure I’d be up for that. The other is this supposed “peace floss” or ahimsa silk, where the silk worms aren’t boiled. It seems like the actual story is rather more complicated, as most things are. But it still seemed worth a try at least once to potentially avoid a lot more waste and plastic in the environment, which hangs out forever and turns into small particles and eventually kills even more animals.
So… that aside…
I did really like how it came in this small cardboard container with, just as promised, no plastic. I bought the version with the little glass jar, (they sell refills too without the jar) and the jar is the cutest thing.
The moment I opened the box, I could smell the peppermint flavor, which was really nice. And the floss is twisted up in a beautiful diamond pattern.
There’s supposedly 30m of floss here, which is actually 3m more than the floss I usually use. So it’s really economizing space.
The container is smaller than it looks, you can easily fit it in the palm of your hand. The floss spools out easily when you want it (a bit too easy perhaps if you’re distracted) but getting it around the cutter bit is somewhat tricky. Once you do get it around the cutter bit though, it cuts really, really nice and satisfying. You don’t have to yank and saw the way you have to with some flosses.
When I tried the floss, it seemed to work just fine, although I would have personally preferred a slightly thicker strand. I doubled it up for some teeth. If you have very small spaces between your teeth and like to use thin floss, it will probably be perfect.