Even if you’ve never written a sestina before, today might be the day to give it a try. Because of the particular way sestinas repeat end-of-line words, they’re a great form for dealing with something you’re trying to work out in your mind—a question or a problem.
Today’s “Petit” poem uses a garden setting complete with white orchids, emerald humming birds, and silvered hemlocks to work out a life question.
As you work out a question or problem in your poem, include a natural setting: the seashore, woods, a secret place in a city park, the desert, mountains, or something else. Include some specific details that will make the setting come alive. Do a little research if you need to. (It’s easiest to research by region, when looking for specifics. See links below, for instance.)
Instructions for a sestina are here.
11 Great U.S. National Forests
Central Park, NYC
List of Mountains in the U.S.
New Fields Indiana (Museum of Art)
Puget Sound
The Big 4 North American Deserts
Want the whole 30 poems, 30 prompts series in one convenient place?
You can get that in Earth to Poetry: A 30-Days, 30-Poems Earth, Self and Other Care Challenge.