Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Papa is the sky Write a poem about your family, a group of friends, your co-workers, or even parts of your own self and roles that assigns some kind of natural phenomenon to each. In today’s poem, five-year-old Zoya very simply says that Papa is the sky, […]
Petit à Petit L’Oiseau Fait Son Nid
“I used to dream of living in a garden,” starts this richly colorful sestina about love and wishes.
Day 13: Working Out a Question
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Petit à Petit L’Oiseau Fait Son Nid Even if you’ve never written a sestina before, today might be the day to give it a try. Because of the particular way sestinas repeat end-of-line words, they’re a great form for dealing with something you’re trying to work out […]
The Poetry of Money 2
The Poetry of Money 2 for Rachel Marks The tail of the peacock male shimmers with metallic coins, the eyes of money winking beauty’s price. What is a poem worth? Just this feathery spread melting change into cool rain. —Marcus Goodyear, from Barbies at Communion T. S. Poetry Press, 2010 Want the whole 30 […]
Day 6: No Rain & Road
Today’s writing prompt is based on the poem Aubade Write a love or friendship poem that captures a sense of loss. Include both: • some kind of natural element • some kind of human-made element For example, today’s poem uses the images of no-rain and a closed road. Want the whole 30 poems, 30 […]
“I still want you / though it hasn’t rained in forever,” says this aubade poem, which also features a glimpse of the sea.
Day 4: Age a Tree
A poetry prompt that ages a tree through memory. Based on the poem “Back,” which places a poet in relation to a tree from childhood.
Where the Wild Things Are
A walk to a small secret place becomes a chance to climb—literally and metaphorically.
When Love Planted a Thousand Trees
Forget about typical gifts. This couple did something amazing.
The Happening
A tender coming-of-age story about a beloved tree and its disappearance. A reminder that every child has worlds we don’t know about.