As humans, though we can sometimes feel separate from our environment, we are, ultimately, a part of it. As some say, we are made of the stuff of stars. Others note that we are water or dust. You could say that Juliet knew this and was making a special request for just where Romeo would end up in the wideness of what makes up our environment.
In the midst of Romeo and Juliet, we find what amounts to a poem; in it, Juliet addresses night and asks for an eternal favor: “Give me my Romeo, and, when he shall die/take him and cut him out in little stars.”
Write a poem that addresses morning, noon, or night. Ask for a favor that joins either you or a loved-one to morning, noon, or night—or even joins you or a loved-one to dust or water or some other element.
If you like, begin your poem with the words, “Come [chosen time of day or chosen element], come…”
Want the whole 30 poems, 30 prompts series in one convenient place?
You can get that in Earth to Poetry: A 30-Days, 30-Poems Earth, Self and Other Care Challenge.