Writer Lorraine Hansberry has said, “There is always something left to love.”
Similarly, there is always something left for which we can feel gratitude—something to love about our days, despite our occasional brushes with doubt or despair.
In today’s poem, “The earth’s economy,” the poet begins, “Just when I thought the day/had nothing left to give.” She goes on to name experiences and realities that have made her feel empty and despairing. But then the day gives her something to feel gratitude for, and it is no little gratitude. The gift is abundant, and she is free to take as much as she “can carry.”
Write a poem that starts, “Just when I thought the day had nothing left to give.” Then name your doubts or despair. Then name something you can feel gratitude for, some gift from the earth’s abundant economy.
Want the whole 30 poems, 30 prompts series in one convenient place?
You can get that in Earth to Poetry: A 30-Days, 30-Poems Earth, Self and Other Care Challenge.