Join us? We’d love to have you along for the inspirational journey. ✨ You can easily make a donation through T.S. Poetry Press (the publisher of Poetic Earth Month!).
Donate Now
Thank You
Thank you to our visionary sponsors and social media partners, who believe in the power of art and poetry and story, to connect us to ourselves, each other, and our world—and who also understand the power of providing simple ideas for sustainable living.
You are helping us give people a chance to experience life and to spiral that experience outwards to enliven our world.
Andrea Birch
Katie Brewster
Laura Brown
Catherine Conway
Maureen Doallas
Debra Hale-Shelton
Sandra Heska King
Dheepa Maturi
Richard Maxson
Rhonda Owen
Bethany Rohde
Sandra Savage
Craig Tashman
Linda Thorla
Will Willingham
Megan Willome
Glynn Young
Social Media Partners
What Your Partnership Means
You care about living an inspiring life. ✨
You want to make things better for those you love and for the world—especially for those who are the most vulnerable to the challenges of climate breakdown. We do, too. 🙂
Let’s Work Together to Make It Real
Will you consider being a partner with us—to help PoeticEarthMonth.com bring life-changing inspiration to you and others?
Our model is simple. We help inspire people and contribute to their health and well-being by:
1. Encouraging inspired exploration
2. Stirring care
3. Providing simple ideas for sustainable living
Our current approaches are to…
• Sponsor a whole month of awareness-raising and celebration, every April—Poetic Earth Month! ✨
• build an Art Gallery series where people can experience inspiration and new ways of seeing. Besides providing a much-needed inspirational place on the Internet, the gallery will seek to connect people more deeply with our world
• develop education resources like the 30-Days, 30-Poems Challenge offered during the month of April (Poetic Earth Month/National Poetry Month), to help people understand how climate breakdown affects us and help them connect to and care about it
• provide inspiration and sustaining hope, through a Literary Library which features video, poetry and story. This library aims to inspire individuals as they continue to build beautiful lives and preserve a beautiful world.
Where Will Your Partnership Pledge Go?
• We are in need of a new video camera for journalistic projects
• We’ll develop a print and e-book version of the 30-Days, 30-Poems Challenge: Poetry on the Menu
• We’ll keep PoeticEarthMonth.com on a fast and secure server, to keep your reading experience pleasant and the site consistently available (smaller, less-secure servers tend to crash at the most inopportune times)
• We’ll pay for a newsletter mail service, to help you and others keep current with all the inspiration that appears at Poetic Earth Month
• We’ll connect with librarians, curriculum developers, teachers, and top climate thinkers through select forums
• We’ll keep the site ad-free and inspirational ✨
It’s Easy to Partner
Join us? You can easily make a donation through T.S. Poetry Press (the publisher of Poetic Earth Month!).