Team up with a friend, family member, classmate, or co-worker and try out today’s “what can we do today?”. Or, explore on your own…
Today’s “What Can We Do Today?”
Often, we get catalogs we never signed up to receive. Or, we get catalogs we used to want and don’t want now.
It’s easy to contact one or two today and ask them to “take me off your list.” Just call their toll-free numbers and ask.
If we want to get removed from most direct mail lists, we can go a step further and get DMAchoice to help our cause, for a small fee of $2 online or $3 by mail.
Online Opt-Out
DMAChoice.org • $2 for ten years of mail peace
Snail Mail:
Send name and address (with signature), along with a $3 processing fee (check or money order payable to DMA) to:
P.O. Box 900
Cos Cob, CT 06807
The Drawdown Difference
“Drawdown” is the point in time when the amount of damaging elements in our atmosphere begins to drop on a year-to-year basis. Project Drawdown has developed realistic models for making this happen. Cool!
Today’s #whatcanwedotoday addresses, in a back door way, several of the top 80 game changers for making drawdown happen:
• Number 70—recycled paper Printers don’t need to use recycled paper for direct mail that isn’t produced in the first place. (Cool!)
• Number 55—household recycling We don’t need to recycle what we didn’t receive in the first place. (Awesome!)
• Number 38—forest protection Less paper use equals more forests spared. (Marvelous!)